Did your taxes jump this month? You're in good company! Here's a map to check out.

Our tax bills increased quite a bit this month to reflect a 9% increase in the tax levy approved last May.   The bills we received in for July and October were "estimated" bills, based on last years tax increased by 2.5%.  Bills this month and in April will fully reflect the $1.2 million in additional tax levy we approved.  (But not the high school building project: we won't feel that until next January.)

Check out this "heat map" of the town to see where the annual tax bill increased (and in a few rare spots, decreased.)

A few caveats:
- This maps uses assessors parcels from 2022, which was the most recent that that state GIS service had available.   If your parcel was subdivided in the last couple of years, it won't be presented properly. 
- This map doesn't reflect abatements or special tax statuses, or recent changes in class.  Taxes are just estimated based on the historical tax rate and assessed value.

Position your cursor over a parcel to see FY2024 valuation and taxes, and some history.


Data Sources:
Lancaster Tax Data:  iasOnline
Geospatial Data: MassGIS
Data Visualizatoin:  free access on Tableau Public


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