In latest low, PB member Kendra Dickinson quotes a mad emperor as she abuses a resident from her seat

Dickinson turned on a resident during a formal hearing to quote the villain in "Gladiator."    Rule of thumb: if you're angry and find yourself about to quote a villain...count to twenty.


Well, if you were hoping to take your kid to a town meeting for a civics lesson 2023 hasn't been a great year to do it.

At the Planning Board Meeting on November 13th, the board opened a hearing to take public comments on a Definitive Subdivision Plan.  Typically accepting hearing comments are a slow and cordial business.   Beyond answering questions where possible, typically a board never responds to the comments that are entered.   Normally everyone gets a "thank you for your comments" -- the board is impartially gathering information about the application at hand. 

Not so that night.  Planning Board member Kendra Dickinson took umbrage to a residents comment and didn't hesitate to respond with venom.

Maybe the first sign of trouble was when Dickinson took the floor, swayed in her seat and proclaimed her love of the movie "Gladiator," a fictional epic about a heroic Roman general and a paranoid, Machiavellian emperor.   Kendra felt moved to quote the antagonist, a dramatized Emperor Commodus.


The movies villain, Commodus, gained office through treachery and turns out to be an ineffective and cruel ruler.   As public setbacks take their toll on his psyche he menaces some suspected conspirators with monologue accusing them of being "busy little bees" working against him.

Dickinson accused the resident who'd just entered a comment of being such a "busy little bee" working to undermine her goals.   In better times that would have prompted a swift rebuke from the chair, but not on this night.

Are you not entertained by this nonsense?  I'm not either.  But if you're looking for bit of bread and circus you can pull up the video at about 35:30 here on


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