Find your new FY2023 property value in this visualization

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Every five years Lancaster re-tabulates the assessed value of all the properties in town to more accurately reflect comparable sales over recent years:  this is re-tabulation year: 

"The 2023 Quinquennial Revaluation"

Last week the town published a list of the newly assessed values that have been approved by the state.

That webpage has contact information for the Assessor's Office: if you have questions or concerns, or want to challenge the new valuation, you should get in touch with them.

The new assessed values won't necessarily impact your taxes:  based on the new assessed values, which are generally higher, the town will calculate a new tax rate to achieve the levy authorized by Town Meeting.   I would guess that the tax rate will decrease substantially...maybe $17 and change?

If your assessed value increased more than the average, and some valuations increased substantially, your annual taxes will increase.   Some valuations remained flat or even decreased -- those owners will see significant tax breaks.

We'll see the new assessed values and rates on our 3rd Quarter tax bill when it's mailed for January 1st.

The visualization below should let you find your revalued property value and see how the rest of your street compares.   I included the valuations for the past two years as well.


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